Hello All! Well, another holiday season is complete. The unfortunately dead Christmas tree came down the day after Christmas and the decorations just recently were returned to their blissfully organized place in the sea of rubbermaid tubs down in the basement.
We really did have a wonderful Christmas break though. We didn't do too much in the way of exciting stuff, but rather just enjoyed some quiet and fun time as a family and with a few friends.
Christmas Eve we attended a wonderful night of music celebrating the coming of Our Savior at our church and then attended a Christmas Eve party. It was a good time for all as the kids enjoyed playing with all the other children there, and we were able to mingle and meet some new people.
Upon returning home on Christmas Eve, we maintained our tradition of allowing the kids to open a present or two (one of which is always PJs from Grandma Pauline). So, dressed in their cozy PJs, cookies and milk put out for Santa and the reindeer food sprinkled in the yard, the kids were off to bed. Leaving Mommy and Daddy to do a little elfing around until 2:30am.

Paige's Christmas Eve PJs

Noah's Christmas Eve PJs
Santa must have been a smidge hungry and thirsty! ;-)
Christmas morning was a delight, as we watched the kids enjoy their gifts. Although the gifts aren't what Christmas is truly about, it is still fun to watch children in their innocence and wonder as they discover what Santa has brought.

Noah's new hockey stick and Nerf machine gun.

Paige's new kitchen play set.
We ended Christmas day with a fabulous dinner and games with our friends the Ingebrigtsons. It was overall a very relaxing and fun day.

Although the weather was quite chilly throughout the majority of the holidays, we were able to get out on the snowmachine a couple times. Of course, that is always enjoyable.
We began our New Year's Eve celebration with fireworks. Since they can't shoot them off for the 4th of July up here (it doesn't get dark in the summer), they have a decent display for the New Year. After that, we came home and enjoyed some yummy snacks and dessert and laughed our heads off playing games with our great friends the Grahams. A great way to bring in the New Year!
Just after the New Year, Noah went back to hockey practice and they had their first "game" against another team. Although they didn't win, it was great for them to have the opportunity to play a full game. Because this team that he is on is a developmental team rather than a competetive team, they haven't really played any games yet this season.

He's getting better and better all the time, and the best part is that he is having a blast.

After all the fun and festivities, it is inevitable that one will have to return to reality and "real" life. So, back to work went Jerry, back to school went Noah, and back to volunteering, running my business and keeping house I went.

The Princess and the Frog!?! Which one is which?!?
Before he went back to work though, Jerry managed to finish his moose rack and we finally hung it in the house. I never thought I would be so excited about antlers/horns going up in my house, but I really like it. They look great!
As an added bonus, we got to celebrate Christmas a second time, when Uncle Kenny and Auntie Brandy's boxes finally arrived. Noah had been patiently (or not so) waiting since Christmas. It was fun to have an unexpected extra time of gift opening.

Paige wearing one of her new hats from Auntie Brandy and her money monkey "piggy" bank.

Lucky Noah! That is just about the only Nerf gun we don't have so it is the one I hear about ALL THE TIME! A play kitchen is definitely in Pattie's future so I would love to know how Paige likes hers. What a beautiful family you have Nicole!
The picture of the Princess and Frog,I think the one wearing the Tierra is the frog (lol)the one with the wand of course is the PRINCESS!!
The picture of Noah with his spy gear turned because he was spying on you. You beter watch out for him.Love you all
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