Well, it is definitely looking a lot like Christmas around here. Since my last post, we have been busy with the usual holiday preparations. Some of which, have absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Christmas is really about the fact that and amazing miracle took place on that day so we could all be spared the misery we truly deserve. However, I do so enjoy the spirit of Christmas that has become the holiday we celebrate today. My only challenge is to always make sure that we are giving our children a good understanding of the true meaning of the season.
Anyway, Thanksgiving was a great weekend affair. We had friends, the Mayers, drive up from Wasilla to join us for the weekend, and a few friends from here in town also joined us for dinner. The meal was great and more food was had than is really ever necessary, but oh so yummy.
This year's 20lb sacrificial bird!
Our banquet table!
On Friday night, the big people escaped to one of our local "hot" spots. We ventured out to Chena Hot Springs and enjoyed a couple hours of relaxing soak in the springs. It was fabulous.
It was only about 11 degrees out, so it wasn't too cold. We were hoping for something in the negatives, for the affect. ;-)
Yep, that's snow on the rocks and steam all around us!
Alicia & I
We also made a trip out to visit Santa over the Thanksgiving weekend. That is always fun.
Santa's reindeer, or if you ask Paige, caribou. Smart girl!
Amanda, Noah & Carrie with Santa!
The week following Thanksgiving it was my quest to find out where to get a real tree that would not die after a week or so. So, after a bit of asking around I was successful and we purchased our beautiful (although fairly short) Christmas tree. We started the decorating process as a family, but the kids quickly became bored with the process, so Jerry and I finished it.The tree was up, wreaths were hung, decorations were out around the house and the lights eventually got put up outside. I even managed to get my Christmas baking in this past weekend with a couple dear friends that the Lord has blessed me with here.
Noah had his holiday concert at school last week. You know, they can't call it a Christmas concert anymore. They also, evidently, can't sing any songs about Jesus either. Although, it is perfectly alright to sing songs about Haanuka and Kwanza. Whatever! He still looked handsome (even if he's trying to grow his hair out) and the kids all sounded great.
To anyone that may actually follow this blog, I pray that you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year! Remember that Jesus is the reason for the season, and without Him there wouldn't be reason for much.
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