God is GOOD! We came to Fairbanks thinking that we were going to have to buy a house, because we had continually been told that their was not and would not be housing available for us. So, we had been in touch with a realtor and watching the market for months. The day after we arrived, I headed out and looked a few of our options planned to go back out the next day. Before I was able to go out looking again, we were told that we could look at a house that was available and if we wanted it we could sign for it. We took the keys and took a look and couldn't believe the blessing. It is bigger than any military housing we have ever lived in. It has more storage than I know what to do with. It is open and spacious and we love it. God is GOOD!
Here are some pics before our things arrived.

The Arctic Entryway - That's pretty normal here, and it keeps the outside mess mostly in one place. Mommy likes that!

The stairs to the bedrooms upstairs, the dining room (near the kitchen), living/family room (to the right) and kitchen.

The kitchen has so many cupboards, I haven't even filled them all.

The master bedroom with a huge walk-in closet and a double sink master bath.

There are three bathrooms in the house and two of them are much like this one.
This is what it looked like once all the boxes were here, and you'll have to wait to see the finished product, as we are still unpacking and trying to settle into our new home.

Hi Nicole!
Those are great pictures. We were excited to see the pictures. Reese wants to see a picture of the outside too! She is never satisfied. :)
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