The first 3 cucumbers I have picked and a handful of tomatoes.
This past weekend, we decided to take a trip dipnetting. Here in Alaska, when the salmon counts are good, you are allowed to catch salmon with nets. In the area we went to, you are allowed to catch 30 per family. So, rented a camper trailer with another family and headed down to Chitina to dipnet the Copper River. I really didn't know what I was getting myself into when we went, but I am glad that we did it once. If Jerry wishes to do it again, I think he will be making the trip alone.
This was where we camped (parked) for the weekend.
There were quite a few eagles around. I love going farther south to enjoy the eagles.
On the shoreline near where we camped/parked, there were tons of gulls and lots of dead fish carcasses.
So, when it was my turn to go out with Jerry and Noah fishing, we hoped on the 4-wheelers and headed up the hill near the parking area. I really did not know what to expect, and that was probably a good thing.
Yep, it really says not to go any further. Do you think that stops anyone? Nope! Alaskans love their adventure and they love their fish.
This was part of the trail. As you can see, some of the trail was not the most stable, and some areas were quite narrow. It was some fun 4-wheeler riding, but a bit hairy in a couple spots.
The trail was basically carved out of the edge of the cliffs along the side of the river. So, on one side of the trail were walls of slate and on the other was the river.
As you can see, there isn't much "shoreline" along the Copper River. It pretty much just carves it's way through the mountains. This was actually one of the wider areas of trail.
An old abandoned rail bridge.
Once we got out to our fishing spot, we had to hike down the "hill" to the edge of the water to dipnet. It was fairly steep.
That would be where we "sat" to fish.

Jerry prepping the ropes that we used to tie ourselves off to a tree in case we slipped.
As rough and adventurous as the area was, it was also very beautiful. Although the Copper River is not a crystal clear stream of beautiful water and river stones below, it made for some spectacular pics.

Paige was hiding behind us trying to get into the pic. I guess we should have let her, since it ended up being a goofy pic.

He'll be 9 soon! Where has the time gone?
On Sunday morning before we left, a baby moose visited. It was obviously separated from its Momma and a bit scared, but it eventually wandered back into the woods. Some of the other fishermen said they had seen the Momma down the river a ways along the bank.
A quick potty stop on the way back allowed me to snap this pic of a beautiful glacial field.
Back from the weekend and off to camp Noah went. He was very excited for camp this year. He is doing ranch camp, so he gets to be with the horses all week. We hope he has a great time and look forward to helping him celebrate his birthday when he gets home.

I left to run and errand last night and this is what I came home to. Like father like daughter! Too cute! I love these sleepy heads!
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