I realized as I sat down to update our blog that it has been just over a month since I last posted, and that has pretty much been the extent of our fall. We are not used to fall coming so early and/or leaving so early either, but that is how it goes here in Alaska. It has been a beautiful fall though. We had some unusually warmer fall weather and it has been so wonderful to see fall colors again. Hawaii was beautiful, but there is nothing like fall colors. Missing the reds from the maples, but it is still gorgeous. Now it is already trying to be winter. We saw our first snowflakes fall yesterday. Nothing is sticking, but it won't be long.

The skies at sunrise and sunset in Alaska are amazing!
So, let me catch you up on what we've been up to this past month . . .
Noah had his first kill when him and Daddy went out to check out moose camp before the season started. On the way back in, they managed to stir up a couple ptarmagin. Congrats Noah!
The kids and I walked in the 1st Annual Arthritis Walk here in Fairbanks. It was a 3 mile walk and a beautiful fall day. Even the dog made the walk!
Shortly after my last post, Noah started school (August 17th). Yeah my big 3rd grader! He is still not the biggest fan of school, but he certainly is capable of doing well when he puts his mind to it. Hopefully he will grow out of his "school stinks" attitude soon.
That same week, Noah had his last soccer game of this season. He had a great season and really enjoyed himself, as always. He is now looking forward to trying hockey this winter. We'll see how that goes.

My oh-so-serious soccer player!

Noah's Team - The Blue Thunder
At the same time that Noah started school, Jerry began his first session of college classes here in Alaska. He finished his Associates when we were in Hawaii, and he is now working on his Bachelors. I am really proud of him, and although I know he really doesn't particularly care for school, he is plugging away. He is currently taking College Algebra and a Literature & Composition class.
Jerry slipped away the first couple weeks of September to do some moose hunting, and he bagged his first big game prize. He shot a bull moose with a 52 1/2" rack. We currently have a freezer full of moose meat, and that is after splitting it with one of his friends that he hunted with.

Moose Camp

Camp Transportation

Jerry's Rack - yes, it is going on the wall.

The Motley Moose Camp Crew
After Jerry decided to come in out of the woods, we celebrated Paige's 2nd Birthday. It is hard to believe that our baby is 2 already!?!? She has grown and changed so much, even since we moved from Hawaii. She is such a joy and a ton of fun to be around (most of the time, like all kids).

Paige's Strawberry Shortcake Cake
(yep, Mommy made it!)

Big girl turned 2 on September 16th.

And she keeps getting cuter every day!
This past weekend, I attended a christian women's conference here in Fairbanks. I have been getting more involved with the Protestant Women of the Chapel here on post, and was part of the planning committee for this one. It was a great honor and joy to see God working through our committee to bring this conference to fruition and to have the amazing outcome that we did. I truly enjoyed being used by Him and knowing that His work in me brought glory and honor to Him. It was also a great opportunity to spend some good time with friends growing our relationships with one another and with the Lord.

Alicia & I

Katrina & I
We also managed to finish up our outside clean-up this weekend. Never too early to prepare for winter here. In the process of our clean-up, I decided to clear out my garden of pots and this is what my pot of carrots yielded, as well as the 4th or 5th growth of my lettuce pot. I can't wait to have a real garden again.

So, that is our last month in a nutshell. As always, I will try to be better at posting more regularly, but who knows how that will turn out?!?