What a busy weekend / start of the week we had!
We started the weekend off by finishing up Noah's soccer season with his last soccer game. They stomped the Wall-Es by 3 to ZIP. What a great way to end the season! Noah continued to develop his skills this year, and did a great job on the field. Hopefully he will continue to enjoy sports!

After Noah's game on Saturday morning, we packed up our camping stuff and headed over to the other side of the island (Where else are you going to go when you are surrounded by water?) and set out to camping for the rest of the weekend. We enjoyed some great fun with friends on the beach and in the water. Yes, that is the ocean right behind our tents! Ahh! How wonderful!

And the sunrise on Sunday morning was beautiful!

As if the sunrise wasn't enough, Grandma Pauline showed up to surprise us! Well, surprise some of us! Jerry helped her plan the surprise so she could be here for Paige's first birthday!

And of course, the most important thing that has happened recently is that our baby girl turned 1 year old! Oh My Gosh, where did the year go? We had cake and icecream with some friends over last night, and unlike her brother, she was more than happy to dig into her cake. It was a fun time watching her enjoy the yummy cake!

SHE'S 1 YEAR OLD!! Now Paige has finally reached a real age and we are so excited to see how much she changes and grows over the next year!