I hate titling my blog entries, especially when it is just normal everyday stuff that I am blogging about. That being said, here is a quick update of what we have been up to lately. Nothing too exciting, just normal life.
Well, Jerry's niece, Sydney is getting ready to leave us today, and we have truly enjoyed her visit. Although, I think it is time for her and Noah to have some time apart. They have gotten along so well until the past few days, and if you didn't know any better you would think they are siblings. They even fight like them. They do love each other though!
We have had a beautiful summer up here! From what the locals tell us, this is the nicest summer since 1993. Yeah for us! So, we headed to the local lake a week or so ago. The kids had a great day at the beach. The water was a bit chillier than Hawaii, but just as clear and fun to play in.
Noah & Paige burying Syd!
Last weekend, we opted to be the tourists and we went gold panning at a mine just a few miles outside of town. It was a lot of fun! We didn't strike it rich, but we all came home with a few flakes of gold. On the way back into town we stopped by the pipeline so Sydney could see just how big it is.
Hopefully those little bags are holding "PAY DIRT"
That's what it looks like before you pan it all down.
True gold miners.
We struck it rich! ;-)
The Alaska Pipeline
Noah has been keeping busy with soccer again this summer. He is really getting to be a good little player. Although his team hasn't won too many games, he continues to improve his skills and have a great time playing.
Paige is chatting more all the time and continues to explore her personality options. I'm pretty sure she will be my tough one, but I am praying that she is a gentle tough. ;-) We'll see!
Check our my shoes!
One of our favorite things to do this summer is to go out picking wild berries. There are tons of wild strawberries around post, and Paigey now recognizes them. She loves them. We also discovered just recently the wild raspberries have started to be ready to pick. We hear the blueberries are out in full force now, but we have to go off post for that and you have to pack a loaded weapon when you pick blueberries around here. So, not sure if we'll be doing that this summer or not. Maybe next year.
Mmmmm . . . stawbair
Well, that is our life in the Last Frontier in a nutshell! Noah heads to camp for a week on Monday and is very excited about that. He will turn 8 while he is at camp, and Grandma Pauline will be here to share it with him. Looking forward to time with her and hearing about Noah's adventures at camp. Check back in on us again soon and see what we're up to.