Monday, May 25, 2009

Last Day of 2nd Grade & Memorial Day Weekend

Hello Everyone -

It has been about a month since I last posted. We have generally just been living life up here in Alaska. School has been winding down for Noah, I have been putting some time into building my business, Jerry has been keeping busy with work and Paige is just growing and changing all the time.

Noah finished up the 2nd grade this past week. He is officially now a 3rd grader! Yeah Noah! We are so proud of you!

Noah & his teacher Mrs. Shipka on the last day of 2nd Grade!

Noah & his Student Teach, Miss Hale.

Over Memorial Day weekend, we took in a few of the local attractions and spent some down time just chillin'! Overall, it was a relaxing and fun weekend!

Noah & Jerry spent Saturday fishing, but didn't catch anything. ;( Boohoo! I wanted fish for dinner! They did have fun though!

While they were out fishing, Paige and I did a little geocaching. No luck, but we had a nice hike through some of trails out a Creamer's Field and tested out Paige's new backpack. I think she liked the ride, and it was a comfortable carry for me.

We have made a few visits to Creamer's Field over the past month or so. It used to be dairy farm and is now migratory bird sanctuary. It is a stop-over home to many different types of migratory birds. You can almost always see an interesting array of birds out in the field.

The old farm house is now a visitor's center.

Canadian Geese

Sandhill Cranes

Lots of beautiful trails!

Sunday we enjoyed an afternoon at Pioneer Park, here in Fairbanks. It is a family friendly area that includes some small museums, a carousel, a train, mini-golf, some shops housed in some of the original buildings from downtown Fairbanks, and lots of play areas for the kids. It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed the time outside.

Monday we decided to check out the Large Animal Research Center run by the University of Alaska - Fairbanks. They concentrate their research on Musk Oxen and Caribou / Reindeer. It was pretty cool to learn about these animals.