Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Cheer!

Well, it is definitely looking a lot like Christmas around here. Since my last post, we have been busy with the usual holiday preparations. Some of which, have absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Christmas is really about the fact that and amazing miracle took place on that day so we could all be spared the misery we truly deserve. However, I do so enjoy the spirit of Christmas that has become the holiday we celebrate today. My only challenge is to always make sure that we are giving our children a good understanding of the true meaning of the season.

Anyway, Thanksgiving was a great weekend affair. We had friends, the Mayers, drive up from Wasilla to join us for the weekend, and a few friends from here in town also joined us for dinner. The meal was great and more food was had than is really ever necessary, but oh so yummy.

This year's 20lb sacrificial bird!

Our banquet table!

On Friday night, the big people escaped to one of our local "hot" spots. We ventured out to Chena Hot Springs and enjoyed a couple hours of relaxing soak in the springs. It was fabulous.

It was only about 11 degrees out, so it wasn't too cold. We were hoping for something in the negatives, for the affect. ;-)

Yep, that's snow on the rocks and steam all around us!

Alicia & I

We also made a trip out to visit Santa over the Thanksgiving weekend. That is always fun.

Santa's reindeer, or if you ask Paige, caribou. Smart girl!

Amanda, Noah & Carrie with Santa!
The week following Thanksgiving it was my quest to find out where to get a real tree that would not die after a week or so. So, after a bit of asking around I was successful and we purchased our beautiful (although fairly short) Christmas tree. We started the decorating process as a family, but the kids quickly became bored with the process, so Jerry and I finished it.

The tree was up, wreaths were hung, decorations were out around the house and the lights eventually got put up outside. I even managed to get my Christmas baking in this past weekend with a couple dear friends that the Lord has blessed me with here.

Noah had his holiday concert at school last week. You know, they can't call it a Christmas concert anymore. They also, evidently, can't sing any songs about Jesus either. Although, it is perfectly alright to sing songs about Haanuka and Kwanza. Whatever! He still looked handsome (even if he's trying to grow his hair out) and the kids all sounded great.

So, the packages are out, the shopping is done (?) and Christmas cards/letters are next on the list. I have all the necessary supplies, I just need to actually get them addressed and sent. Wish me luck!

To anyone that may actually follow this blog, I pray that you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year! Remember that Jesus is the reason for the season, and without Him there wouldn't be reason for much.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Halloween, Hockey & Other Fun Stuff!

Well, a couple weeks turned into almost a month, and I am finally getting another post up.

Halloween was a frigid experience this year! Paige made it out for just a few houses and then returned to the warmth of handing out candy with Mommy. It wouldn't have been so bad if the wind hadn't been blowing.

Noah was a soldier and Paige was a lady bug. They each had on several layers of clothing underneathe their costumes.
Just too cute not to share!

Noah continues to play hockey, and he amazes me all the time with how much better he is getting. He is really enjoying it, and seems to be picking it up pretty well. I am really glad that he got onto this developmental team, because I think it is making a great difference for him to be focusing more on the skills rather than the actual game.

He has become much more comfortable on his skates, since the beginning of the season just about a month ago.

He even looks like a hockey player!

Other than hockey, school and the daily grind, we haven't been up to much. Enjoying some chill time on the weekends and getting ready for the holidays is the norm around here. It has quickly become a beautiful winter wonderland up here in Interior Alaska, and I love it.

We will be spending Thanksgiving at home with guests for dinner. I love cooking the entire spread, and enjoy watching people share a meal and laughter together even more.

Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends & loved ones far and near! (mosty far)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Waiting on Winter

Wow, where did a month go already? And what have we been doing that has kept us so busy?

Well, I was busy at the beginning of the month with a vendor event and a few parties for my Tastefully Simple business. I really enjoy being able to get out a weekend or two a month to do some business. I'm not raking in the bucks, but it is a little bit of extra here and there.

Jerry did a little playing the first weekend of the month. It was really his last chance to get out and do some fishing, duck hunting, and camping. If you ask me, camping at the beginning of October in Interior Alaska, not a smart choice. When you have to check to see if the sloughs have frozen over it is too cold for that. They had fun though! No fish worth keeping. A few ducks that I still have to figure out how to cook, and a couple beavers. Jerry's friend DJ decided to set some traps on their way out and check them on their way back in and he caught three beaver.

Check out that beaver!

There is something that is just wrong about this picture.

Noah started hockey this month, and he really seems to be determined. I am not quite sure how I feel about a future as a hockey mom, but we'll just see how this first season goes. Thank you so much to the Boylan family who set Noah up before we left Hawaii with most all of the hockey equipment he needed to get started playing. Much Mahalo to you!

Still trying to find his ice legs, but he was a trooper and kept going!

Rock it Noah!

Well, short and sweet this time! That is pretty much our month so far. Of course, Halloween is coming up this weekend, so I should be posting again soon. Until then, we love and miss all of our family and friends around the world. We always love to hear from old friends.

Had to include a pic of our most adorable Vikings fan!

She's getting so big and cuter and cuter all the time.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fall in Alaska

I realized as I sat down to update our blog that it has been just over a month since I last posted, and that has pretty much been the extent of our fall. We are not used to fall coming so early and/or leaving so early either, but that is how it goes here in Alaska. It has been a beautiful fall though. We had some unusually warmer fall weather and it has been so wonderful to see fall colors again. Hawaii was beautiful, but there is nothing like fall colors. Missing the reds from the maples, but it is still gorgeous. Now it is already trying to be winter. We saw our first snowflakes fall yesterday. Nothing is sticking, but it won't be long.

The skies at sunrise and sunset in Alaska are amazing!

So, let me catch you up on what we've been up to this past month . . .

Noah had his first kill when him and Daddy went out to check out moose camp before the season started. On the way back in, they managed to stir up a couple ptarmagin. Congrats Noah!

The kids and I walked in the 1st Annual Arthritis Walk here in Fairbanks. It was a 3 mile walk and a beautiful fall day. Even the dog made the walk!

Shortly after my last post, Noah started school (August 17th). Yeah my big 3rd grader! He is still not the biggest fan of school, but he certainly is capable of doing well when he puts his mind to it. Hopefully he will grow out of his "school stinks" attitude soon.

That same week, Noah had his last soccer game of this season. He had a great season and really enjoyed himself, as always. He is now looking forward to trying hockey this winter. We'll see how that goes.

My oh-so-serious soccer player!

Noah's Team - The Blue Thunder

At the same time that Noah started school, Jerry began his first session of college classes here in Alaska. He finished his Associates when we were in Hawaii, and he is now working on his Bachelors. I am really proud of him, and although I know he really doesn't particularly care for school, he is plugging away. He is currently taking College Algebra and a Literature & Composition class.

Jerry slipped away the first couple weeks of September to do some moose hunting, and he bagged his first big game prize. He shot a bull moose with a 52 1/2" rack. We currently have a freezer full of moose meat, and that is after splitting it with one of his friends that he hunted with.

Moose Camp

Camp Transportation

Jerry's Rack - yes, it is going on the wall.

The Motley Moose Camp Crew

After Jerry decided to come in out of the woods, we celebrated Paige's 2nd Birthday. It is hard to believe that our baby is 2 already!?!? She has grown and changed so much, even since we moved from Hawaii. She is such a joy and a ton of fun to be around (most of the time, like all kids).

Paige's Strawberry Shortcake Cake

(yep, Mommy made it!)

Big girl turned 2 on September 16th.

And she keeps getting cuter every day!

This past weekend, I attended a christian women's conference here in Fairbanks. I have been getting more involved with the Protestant Women of the Chapel here on post, and was part of the planning committee for this one. It was a great honor and joy to see God working through our committee to bring this conference to fruition and to have the amazing outcome that we did. I truly enjoyed being used by Him and knowing that His work in me brought glory and honor to Him. It was also a great opportunity to spend some good time with friends growing our relationships with one another and with the Lord.

Alicia & I

Katrina & I

We also managed to finish up our outside clean-up this weekend. Never too early to prepare for winter here. In the process of our clean-up, I decided to clear out my garden of pots and this is what my pot of carrots yielded, as well as the 4th or 5th growth of my lettuce pot. I can't wait to have a real garden again.

So, that is our last month in a nutshell. As always, I will try to be better at posting more regularly, but who knows how that will turn out?!?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Alaska Fishing

I have neglected to post pics of a couple fishing trips that Jerry and/or Noah have been on this summer. In fact, Jerry just returned from one, thus the reason I am thinking of it. So, for all you fishermen/women out there, here you go.
In July, Jerry and Noah went on a weekend trip with Jerry's friend, DJ, and his daughter Ava. They went to a place southwest of Fairbanks known as Minto Flats. They had a good time, and the fishing was great. After it was all said and done, there was 12 pounds of Northern Pike to be eaten.

Minto Flats

Momma Moose . . . she was accompanied by two calves,
but they were hard to see in the tall grass.

Some of their catch!

Our little fisherman!
Just this past weekend, Jerry took a trip with his friend, DJ, and a few other guys. They went north of Fairbanks up to the Yukon and Dall Rivers. They didn't catch anything they could or wanted to keep, but they had a good time.

Yukon River

Dall River

Bear tracks, where we camped for the night.


or Big!
This one was 42 inches, but we let her go!